Opened every day, the Health Clinic provides high quality medical services and treatments to all students, staff, novices, nuns and members of the community around PDO. The Health Clinic is run by dedicated volunteer doctors and nurses who are well-trained general practitioners and specialists. The clinic is free for all patients.

- General Information
- History
- Staff Schedule
Outpatient Clinic Hours
Monday-Friday: 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: 9-11 a.m.
Dental Clinic Hours
Wednesday: 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m.
Sunday: 9-11 a.m.
On Saturday afternoon, physicians are available to see doctors with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or hypertension. Physicians also see patients who need approval for eye surgeries. Eye surgeries are performed in the clinic every Monday, up to 6 patients per week.
The clinic was established in 2002. The first volunteer doctors, Dr, Thein Htun Saung, Dr. Sandi Maung, Dr. U Win Thu and Dr. U Ohn Shwee, came to see patients without any charges. From a small space in the main office, the clinic moved to its current three-story building in 2007. With the expansion, doctors started performing eye surgeries in 2008. In the same year, the dental clinic also opened its doors.
Clinic Director: Dr. U Aung Gyi
General Practitioners
Dr. U Myint Khaing Htay: Saturday & Sunday
Dr. U Tin Shein: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday morning
Dr. Daw Khin Mar Nyo: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday afternoon
Dr. U Kyaw Oo
Dr. Daw Mie Mie Htay
Dr. Daw Li Li Su Myat: on call Saturday morning
Dr. Daw Moet Moet Khaing: Monday
Dr. U Ko Lay: Wednesday
Dr. Daw Tin Htar Wai: Saturday & Sunday morning
Dr. U Ye Win Naing (dentist): Sunday
Eye Surgeon
Dr. U Zaw Htun Lin (eye surgeon): Tuesday afternoon & Saturday
Dr. Daw San Thanda (pediatrician): Saturday morning
Dr. Daw Htar Kyi Swe (physician): Saturday afternoon