Current Volunteers

Karen Taylor Burge is a dedicated volunteer with the Voluntary Services Overseas from Britain. She came to PDO in March 2017 and has been a regular volunteer since then. She is currently teaching Content and Language Integrated Learning, and teaching methods in English. She has also given trainings for PDO students in learning strategies, behavior management, lesson planning, study skills, and reflective practice. Previously, Burge is a teacher trainer in London, and worked on project with the British Council and Myanmar Department of Education.

Caroline Rami is an AIME volunteer from France. She teaches at PDO from June 2019 to February 2020. She currently teaches Geography in the Fast-Track Department, Mathematics in NTTC, French in the Tourism Assistant Project, and Physical Education class. She received a Master in Business Administration - Sports Management. She is a travel lover and has backpacked through South and East Africa.

Gladys Jeanneau is an 18-year-old AIME volunteer from France. She studied Social Studies in France. She is teaching at PDO from June 2019 to February 2020. She teaches Mathematics for NTTC, Grade-5 Geography for Fast-Track Department, and French at the Tourism Assistant Project. She enjoys PDO so far thanks to the kindness of all students, teachers, and staff. Her favorite food at Mandalay are chapatis and banana pancakes.

Jérémie Klinge is a 25-year-old volunteer with AIME since May 2019. He teaches Social Science in the Pre-College Program. He developed his interest in Myanmar's history and politics from his political science studies at Sciences Po Lyon and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France. Klinge received a research Master in Asian Studies. He is grateful to be at PDO to share his passion for history, geography, geopolitics or economics with his students.

Johanna Chardonnieras came to PDO as a volunteer with AIME from France. She lives and teaches at PDO from June 2019 to January 2020. She is currently teaching Geopolitics and International Relations in the Pre-College Program. Chardonnieras received a Master in International Relations. She loves to travel and discover new cultures, and she loves the warm-hearted nature of Myanmar people.

Tara Loosmore is a 19-year-old volunteer from England. She came to PDO with Project Trust. She is volunteering between September 2018 - August 2019 as a teacher in the Fast-Track Department. She also teaches a conversation class in the evening. Her favourite thing about PDO is how willing the students are to practice English with foreigners. Next year, she will go to University of York to study chemistry.

Boo Lindohf is an 18-year-old volunteer from Scotland with Project Trust. He teaches in the Fast Track Department, an evening conversation class, and a political science class. Lindohf can speak English, Swedish, and a little bit Myanmar. His favourite thing about PDO is interacting with all the children and the opportunity to set up any class you like.

Karla Muñoz teaches Peace Studies and Human Rights in the Pre-College Program. She is a graduate student at American University School of International Service where she is pursuing a Master’s degree in International Affairs. Muñoz was born and raised in California, where she developed a passion for cross-cultural collaboration from a young age. She enjoys connecting with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and looks forward to learning from everyone at PDO and PIU.

Anh Ta is a volunteer on the Communications team in PDO Main Office. She is a graduate student pursuing a Master's in Global Media at American University School of International Service. She is supporting PDO's English-language digital communications, donor relations and multimedia production. Originally from Hanoi, Vietnam, she has traveled, lived and worked extensively in Asia and in the US, and therefore passionate about cross-cultural communication, languages and storytelling.

Steven Spooner has been teacher at PDO since 2017. He founded and teaches the Immersion English class. Spooner also supports various student activities at PDO, such as Saturday movies at Golden House, and provides support for the clinic, hostel, and general school facilities. He calls PDO home, and enjoys teaching Myanmar students as they are very respectful and interested in learning. Spooner received his education at the US Navy Nuclear Power School.